
Package structure

PixelAdmin package has the next structure:

Installing required software

Before using console commands / Builder app, you need to install Node.js and Git. If Node.js and Git are already installed on your system, you can skip this section.

On Windows
On Linux(Ubuntu)
  1. First of all, you need to update your system to make sure that system repository contains latest package versions:
    sudo apt-get update
  2. Install latest Node.js (see
  3. Install git
    sudo apt-get install git
On Mac OS X

Installing PixelAdmin dependencies

Before you compile PixelAdmin sources, you need to install dependencies:

  1. Go to the PixelAdmin source directory (if you want to recompile package sources) or PixelAdmin bundle directory.
  2. Run the next commands in terminal:
    npm install
    npm run bower:install

See the Console commands page to read more about console commands.

Compiling sources

  1. Go to the PixelAdmin source directory (if you want to recompile package sources) or PixelAdmin bundle directory.
  2. Run the next command in terminal:
    npm run compile

Also, you can compile SCSS / Javascript / AMD / Angular sources separately (read more at the Console commands page).

Licensing Information

All images are licensed under Creative Commons Zero.